travel and tourism management

Is travel and tourism a good career?

Image Source: Google The Indian travel and tourism industry is bubbling with potentiality. As per a recently published report India’s travel and tourism sector ranks 7th in the world in terms of its entire contribution to the country’s GDP. The tourism industry is service-based and counts on human resources. Specialized education, commendable communication skills, proficiency …

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Career Options After BBA Course

If you are currently preparing for your 12th finals, you must be wondering what career options you have after school. One of the most popular courses in India is BBA. Not only is it perfect for those who want to get into the business and corporate world, but it also opens up a whole new …

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management college

Which Management Course is the Best?

Management in itself is a humongous field. Management is said to be the highest paying sector of the private industry. It is not confined to any one kind of profession. Wherever there is a mass bunch of people working, in those places you will need management. Management is body which looks after the holistic functioning, …

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Hotel Management in Kolkata

What is Specialization in Hospitality Management?

Hospitality Management Hospitality Management has quite recently become the talk of the town in discussing the scope worthy career opportunities. It is definitely one of the most enrolled degrees in today's time. Hotel Management in Kolkata is no longer just another course which you pass by. It is the degree which gets you a high …

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