travel and tourism management

Is travel and tourism a good career?

Image Source: Google The Indian travel and tourism industry is bubbling with potentiality. As per a recently published report India’s travel and tourism sector ranks 7th in the world in terms of its entire contribution to the country’s GDP. The tourism industry is service-based and counts on human resources. Specialized education, commendable communication skills, proficiency …

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What Makes a Restaurant Manager Great?

Source: Google Successful restaurant managers have certain characteristics in common that help them excel in the fast-paced food service industry. Top managers typically excel by managing both staff relations and the customer experience, through long hours and sometimes hard activity. Restaurant managers must be skilled in a variety of areas, including time management, workplace care, …

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Criteria for choosing a good hotel management college in Kolkata

Hotel management is the most career centric course in India at present. The globalization struck world has made it a degree which is worth great value in this day and age. You shall find that the scope does not have any limits. However, since it is such a course with great demands; you do need …

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Customer Satisfaction

7 Ways to Improve Hotel Guest Experience and Satisfaction

At a period of rising consumer expectations and increased customer aspirations, the most popular hotel brands are those that are able to reliably offer ever-improving customer loyalty. The below are the top seven ways to boost customer service, enhance brand satisfaction and draw more visitors to your hotel. Know what visitors want Hoteliers that stand …

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Which are the best BBA colleges which provide 100% placement?

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is one of the most lucrative degrees in India. It is the staple degree which people pursue in order to enhance your career to a whole another level. If you wish to pursue the best BBA course in Kolkata, make sure you choose a good college. All the colleges mentioned …

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Sbihmit college

Which college gives best placement?

Upon college, many undergraduate students face a question about what to do. Deciding whether to study is also a difficult decision to make, having so many career paths at your hands. In this respect, top management colleges in Kolkata are very common. There is no better path than management when you are excited for a …

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Hospitality Management

7 Things to Know Before Joining Hospitality Industry

The hospitality industry is one of the biggest industries in this world. It is a multibillion-dollar business all across the world. The hospitality scope in India has increased tremendously over the last decade. Every year, millions of students get to go abroad for their jobs and internships. The hospitality industry is a great place to …

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