7 Things to Know Before Joining Hospitality Industry

Hospitality Management
Source: Google

The hospitality industry is one of the biggest industries in this world. It is a multibillion-dollar business all across the world. The hospitality scope in India has increased tremendously over the last decade. Every year, millions of students get to go abroad for their jobs and internships.

The hospitality industry is a great place to work in. If you are having second thoughts about joining a hospitality management course in Kolkata, then let us get you a little informed.

A very Dynamic Industry

Studying hospitality management in Kolkata would ensure that you get to be a part of an extremely dynamic industry. It is one of the most diverse sectors of job. There is a constant evolution of numerous things. You get to choose from a great range of career options.

The dynamic nature comes from the increasing demand of travel, hospitality and exploring the culture of our country. This has made this industry boom with sporadic success.

Diversity of Employment Options

There is a great scope in terms of the employment opportunities which are available in this industry. When you are studying a hospitality management course, your options are not limited to any one kind of job. You can choose from a range of jobs.

  • Hotel Manager
  • Chef
  • Entrepreneur
  • Teacher
  • Accounts Manager
  • Culinary In-Charge
  • Cabin Crew Manager
  • Pub/Restaurant/Cafe Manager and etc

You see, there is so much scope to choose from.

Increasing Demand

The demand for hotel managers is increasing largely. There is a huge elevation in requirement of professionals within this sector. And this demand is just increasing with every passing day.

  • It is estimated that over 12 million new job openings are going to take place within the industry in 2021.
  • The first half of 2021 will witness a 12% great recruitment rate than 2020.
  • In the next five years, the hospitality industry will become one of the biggest contributors to the Indian economy.

Multiple Skill Expertise is Allowed

Have you ever noticed how people struggle to work together because other employees do not like someone knowing their skills? Well, that kind of toxic behaviour is not to be seen anywhere in hospitality and hotel management.

It is an inclusive field. You can always specialize in multiple skills. There are so many hotel chains and restaurants which are run in the name of chefs. Although their specialty is cooking, they still try and avenue to other fields of hotel management.

You can always keep on learning and developing your skill set.

Opportunity to travel/settle abroad

Hospitality management degree is called a dream degree for various reasons. This just happens to be one of them. Whilst you are in your hospitality management degree, you can intern abroad.

SBIHM provides a full year of study and even internships in UK. Many students decide to stay there for their jobs as well. A lot of countries Europe and Northern America hire Indian candidates for hotel management work. If you are someone who craves wanderlust then this is the field for you.

Talk to our counselor and learn more about the awesome opportunities one can get in hospitality industry.

Great Packages

It is no secret that hotel management professionals earn a very handsome salary. They earn a very good living doing this work. You are ought to earn good money in this field.

The salary packages are very humbling. In fact, the management staff is among the highest-paid people in the entire hotel industry.

Good work environment

Having a good and functioning work environment is like another feather on this already golden cap. You shall get to work among decent people with a very professional set up and great remuneration. What more does one really wants?

We hope this helped you understand the amazing things about hospitality industry.

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