Is it necessary to have a media and communication degree to get a good job?

Jobs in media and communication

Mass media and communication are the pillars of the digital world. They not only impart information and news but make up for the mediums of interaction, communication and entertainment. In 2019, our world has come to the point where social media has become a catalyst for every other information. How do you get to know about a new movie or product release? Who is telling you about the election updates, latest news and etc?

With the invention of the smartphone and their omnipresent behaviour, it has become more of a greater deal. Media and communication degree entails jobs in all the sectors of journalism, entertainment, advertisement, photography, film making, media and production houses and so many more. You cannot fathom the reach which this field has generated for itself over the last couple of years.

The jobs you can get after studying from mass communication colleges in Kolkata are innumerable. There are tons of employment vacancies available for students who have completed a degree in mass communication.

What kinds of jobs will you find?


Now that we know there are millions of job vacancies available for you after completing the degree, it might hit you about those positions. The media industry is like a big web where so many industries collaborate with each other. Below we have listed some of the jobs which are very popular for students to pursue.

  • Media manager
  • PR and management
  • Advertisement
  • Direction and film making
  • Creative production
  • Photography, photography journalism
  • Writer, news editor, journalist
  • TV anchor, news reader
  • Editor
  • Lighting artist and expert
  • Media consultant
  • Mass communication teacher/ lecturer

This might give you an idea of the vastness which this field entails. You can literally dabble in so many fields for a career. You just have to pick your area of interest and pursue that. This degree is for students who do not like to study the regular bookish courses and have some creative outlet of their own. Studying in a mass communication college will help you develop your strengths and make you better at it. You will literally get to do what you love and get paid for it.

The employment prospects are fantastic. There are over 2 million new jobs created annually. You can imagine the amount of scope which is kept open for students. Independent platforms like BuzzFeed and many others on YouTube have given an entrepreneurial touch to the field. One can definitely start their own channel or platform for publishing content.

Independent news platforms like Wire and Quint are a good example of the same. A degree in media and communication paves the journey for you to excel with some amazing scope ahead. Be sure to utilize your potential and make the most out of it.

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